Webinar/Presentation Date
Description |
Alcohol and Other Drugs of Abuse (AODA)
Chain of Custody in Drug Testing — February 11 & 13, 2025 Handout: Chain of Custody Labels Template
| This webinar will educate participants on best practices for ensuring the integrity of urine drug screen (UDS) collection. All HWC staff who are involved in UDS collection are encouraged to attend.
MSWR Considerations for Students in TEAP — August 13 & 15, 2024
| This webinar will be an overview of MSWR options and examples for TEAP Specialist. It will provide guidance on necessary paperwork and referrals.
TEAP Trends: Retaining Students, Relapse Prevention and Delta-8 THC — April 9 & 11, 2024
| The addiction field is an ever-changing field with new drug trends happening each day. Stay up to date with resources and websites.
Hot Topics on Suspicious Screening for Drugs — March 20 & 21, 2024 | This training will provide instruction on when and how to screen a student suspected of impairment because of active drug use. We will discuss this process considering the changes in the ZT policy related to the determination of active/current use of THC after arrival on center. |
ZT Policy Training for Center Staff — February 7, 12 & 16; January 18 & 22, 2024 | This webinar will provide training on the new Zero Tolerance (ZT) Policy for all center staff. |
Networking with Community Partners — February 13 & 15, 2024 | This webinar will focus on locating community partners in the substance use arena, including community health departments, addiction support groups, public speakers, and law enforcement organizations. Strategies to cultivate partnerships will be explored. |
Relapse Prevention Resources and Programing — October 26, 2023 | This webinar will review strategies for preventing students from relapsing on drugs or alcohol, including evidence-based techniques and practical strategies. |
Let's Look at Intervention — August 15 & 17, 2023 | This webinar will explore basic intervention requirements and best practices in addressing drug and alcohol use when a student tests positive for drugs, requests services, or discloses drug or alcohol use. |
Suspicion Testing and Employability — July 11 & 1 2, 2023 | This training will provide instruction on when and how to screen a student who is suspected of drug use. The trainer will walk participants through the process, including documentation and necessary counseling. The webinar will introduce components of drug testing in an employment setting and will provide strategies to train students on the linkage between drug testing and employability. |
Program Update Q&A: COVID and Opioids — June 9 & 13, 2023 | This webinar will provide a brief overview and Q&A of PIN 22-16 Responding to Opioid Overdose in Job Corps, PIN 22-17 Ending of COVID State of Emergency and Updating Job Corps Procedures, and the Emergency Action Plan. |
MSWR and TEAP — April 11 & 12, 2023 | This webinar will assist TEAP specialists to understand the Medical Separation With Reinstatement (MSWR) process when concerns arise about addiction-related issues that may pose a barrier to Job Corps training. We will be focusing on PRH, 2.3 R5 for guidance and then incorporate other recent policy changes. |
Relapse Prevention in Job Corps — February 14 & 16, 2023 | This webinar will review strategies for preventing students from relapsing on drugs or alcohol.
TEAP Collaboration: TEAP is a Program Not a Person — November 10, 2022 | This presentation focuses on the importance of collaboration between TEAP and other departments. It will expand participants’ understanding of TEAP as a center-wide program. Participants will learn how to develop partnerships with other programs at Job Corps and how to implement strategies to enhance these alliances.
Fentanyl and Your Safety — October 4, 2022 | Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic drug that is similar to morphine and heroin, but is 50 to 100 times more potent. Fentanyl and its analogs, such as carfentanil, can pose a potential hazard to Job Corps Students and staff who could come into contact with these drugs through the course of their work day. This webinar will discusses Fentanyl and the safety steps you can take against exposure.
Updating Your Cannabis Knowledge — September 20 & 21, 2022 | This webinar will provide an update on cannabis, including changes since state-based legalization occurred and current trends.
Supporting Non-Resident Students with TEAP Involvement — August 30 & September 1, 2022 | This webinar will provide tools to support non-residential students while in the TEAP program.
New Uses for Formalized Assessment Measures for All TEAP Specialists — November 16 & 17, 2021
| This webinar will discuss the importance of using formalized assessment measures such as the DAST and the MAST as part of the TEAP Specialist’s assessment process.
TEAP Documentation — October 26, 2021
| This webinar focuses on the steps required for high quality documentation.
Ethics, Boundaries and Documentation in TEAP — September 21, 2021 | Ethics guide our practice as TEAP specialists. This webinar will focus on reviewing the core ethical principles that TEAP specialists need to know and implement. We will be reviewing confidentiality within Job Corps as well as the updated 42 CFR Part 2.
Hot Topics in Marijuana — July 20 & 22, 2021 | This webinar will focus on two topics related to marijuana, including the emerging debate regarding Delta 8 THC versus Delta 9 THC and methods to enhance motivation for students from states where marijuana is legal.
Trauma Informed Care and TEAP — June 15 & 17, 2021 | This webinar will provide a deep dive into trauma and the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) survey, including prevalence of traumatic experiences and negative outcomes associated with trauma. The training then segues into an evidence-based discussion on utilizing a trauma-informed approach to substance abuse counseling, including making the connection between trauma, addiction and healing strategies, and counseling techniques.
Hot Topics in TEAP: Kratom, TUPP and Vaping — April 20 & 22, 2021 | This webinar will provide the most up-to-date information on various TEAP-related topics, include Kratom, TUPP, and vaping.
Virtual Learning and TEAP — May 13 & 15, 2020 | This webinar will explore TEAP-related PRH requirements that they can be implemented via the Virtual Learning model.
Alcohol Detection in Job Corps — February 4 & 6, 2020 | This webinar will provide tips for detecting alcohol, testing students, and referring accordingly.
Applicant File Review (AFR)
Applicant File Review Orientation Series: Part 1c: Health and Wellness Director's Applicant File Review Coordinator Responsibilities — November 12 & 14, 2024
The AFR Orientation Series Part 1a: Policy, Part 1b: Process, and Part 2: Maintaining and Managing AFR Tracking are available on the
Disability AFR Webinars page.
| This webinar is a review of the 8 primary components within the Applicant File Review Process.
CMHC Orientation Part 2: Applicant File Review (Updated July 2024)
| CMHC Orientation Part 2 explores the applicant file review process.
Mental Health Applicant File Review (AFR) Overview — February 9 & 15, 2023
| This webinar describes the possible outcomes for a Job Corps application and the AFR process at the center level.
Clinical Review of School Disability Documents for Applicant File Review (AFR) — October 18, 2022
| This webinar will provide an overview of sources of information for Job Corps Center Mental Health Consultants to use during the applicant file review process, including Individual Education Programs (IEPs) and Section 504 plans.
Communication Strategies
Communication Strategies for Conflict Prevention and De-escalation — April 1 & 6, 2020
| This webinar will explore conflict resolution and de-escalation strategies.
Disability Specific |
Supporting the Success of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder at Job Corps
| This webinar will describe strategies to support students with ASD in the Job Corps environment. |
Family Planning |
Reproductive Health and Job Corps — March 14 & 16, 2023
| This webinar will Job Corps Health and Wellness Center staff with and overview of contraceptives and reproductive health options. |
HEALs Ingredients for a Successful Program — July 24, 2024
| This webinar will provide tips and tricks for a successful HEALs program.
Health & Wellness Center Management
| This webinar will discuss strategies to effectively manage the Health and Wellness Center.
Improving Health and Wellness Center Student Satisfaction — July 17, 2024
| This webinar will provide an overview of the Health and Wellness student satisfaction survey results and strategies to improve student perception of health services.
Management Series:
Recruitment and Retention for Health and Wellness Staff — June 18, 2024
| This webinar will provide recruitment and retention strategies for health and wellness staff.
TeamBuilding in Health and Wellness — March 11 & 12, 2024
| The purpose of this training is to build an effective, multidisciplinary team within the health and wellness department, resulting in quality healthcare for students.
Healthy Personal & Professional Boundaries (slides with audio) — October 22, 2020
| Navigating healthy boundaries with Job Corps students can be tricky at times. In this workshop, you'll learn what healthy personal and professional boundaries are, why you and your students need them, and how to cultivate healthy boundaries on center. This workshop will provide a safe space for you to look at your current practices, and the support you need to make adjustments. Small changes could decrease your stress and increase the joy you experience at work.
Health & Wellness and the PRH
Change Notice 22-02 Health Services and Disabilities PRH Updates — December 6, 7, 8, & 9, 2022
| This webinar provides an overview of all the health and disabilities changes under PRH Change Notice 22-02.
Healthand Wellness PRH Compliance — June 16 & 17, 2020
| This webinar will discuss the value of PCAs in the Health and Wellness (H&W) Department, PRH requirements, and provide a review of some common PRH compliance issues seen in H&W during assessments. The webinar will also include tips on how to ensure on-going H&W compliance.
Infectious Diseases
Identifying and Responding to Monkeypox (MPV) — August 16 & 17, 2022
| This webinar will provide the latest information on the recognition, spread, and management of monkeypox viral (MPV) infection. Additionally, mental health supports and strategies to reduce stigma will be addressed.
Reemergence of Childhood Infectious Diseases — June 23, 2020
| This webinar will provide Job Corps medical staff with an overview of reemergence of childhood infectious diseases, such as varicella and measles, including trends and recent outbreaks. With the arrival of COVID-19 and the decline in childhood immunizations, clinicians should be aware of the return of childhood infectious diseases.
Laboratory Testing
Chain of Custody in Drug Testing — February 11 & 13, 2025 Handout: Chain of Custody Labels Template
| This webinar will educate participants on best practices for ensuring the integrity of urine drug screen (UDS) collection. All HWC staff who are involved in UDS collection are encouraged to attend.
CDD Lab Testing Process Materials — December 5 & 6, 2024
| This webinar covers accessing lab software, placing lab orders, collecting and labeling specimens, packaging/shipping specimens, and accessing results.
Diabetes Update — March 28, 2024
| This webinar will provide an updates on managing diabetes in the Job Corps population.
Managementof Chronic Health Conditions: How Can We Make Healthy Behaviors Easy? — March 19 & 20, 2024
| This webinar will explore the complex factors that influence our daily health “decisions.” It will consider how much “choice” we have in our health behaviors. Job Corps centers can shape the environment to make healthy behaviors easy or difficult. When the environment supports healthier behaviors, student health will improve.
The ABCDEs of Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer — May 19, 2022
| This webinar will provide an overview of the types and symptoms of skin cancer and educational resources for skin cancer prevention. Chris Kuhn, a melanoma survivor, will discuss his case and provide suggestions for skin cancer prevention in Job Corps.
Asthma Treatment Guidelines Update — October 13, 2021
| This webinar will provide an overview of asthma symptoms and management in the Job Corps program in line with the Asthma Treatment Guidelines.
Medical Separation with Reinstatement Rights (MSWR)
MSWR Considerations for Students in TEAP
— August 13 & 15, 2024
| This webinar will be an overview of MSWR options and examples for TEAP Specialist. It will provide guidance on necessary paperwork and referrals.
CMHC Orientation Part 3: Medical Separation with reinstatement Rights (MSWR) (April 2024)
| CMCH Orientation Part 3 explores medical separations/MSWRs.
MSWR: Probing the Policy Changes — July 13 & 14, 2023
| This training will provide an overview of the Medical Separation with Reinstatement (MSWR) policy in Job Corps.
MSWR and TEAP — April 11 & 12, 2023
| This webinar will assist TEAP specialists to understand the Medical Separation With Reinstatement (MSWR) process when concerns arise about addiction-related issues that may pose a barrier to Job Corps training. We will be focusing on PRH, 2.3 R5 for guidance and then incorporate other recent policy changes.
Medical Separations and DTAs Detailed Training — December 15 & 16, 2022
| This webinar provides a detailed review of direct threat and medical separations with reinstatement processes.
Medical Separations, DTAs, and Disability Discrimination Overview Training — December 12, 13, & 14, 2022
| This webinar provides a general overview of direct threat and medical separations with reinstatement processes, and avoiding disability-related discrimination.
Medication Management |
Anxiety and Psychotropic Medication Management — June 20, 2024
| This webinar will review treatments and psychotropic medication management for anxiety in students. Disability accommodations will be addressed.
Medication Management for ADHD — August 17, 2023
| This presentation will provide an overview of managing ADHD medications for Job Corps students.
Prevention Medication Errors: Part 2 — April 12, 2023
| This two-part webinar will provide an in-depth overview of medication management in Job Corps, including polices and promising practices. |
Preventing Medication Errors: Part 1 — March 29, 2023
| This two-part webinar will provide an in-depth overview of medication management in Job Corps, including polices and promising practices. |
Mental Health
Mental Health First Aid — September 11 & 12, 2024
| This webinar will provide an overview of the Adult, Youth, and Teen programs, highlighting the unique features and benefits of each. Participants will gain insights into the importance and evidence-based impact of becoming certified in Y/MHFA, and will learn how to access these training opportunities as both organizations and individuals.
Anxiety and Psychotropic Medication Management — June 20, 2024
| This webinar will review treatments and psychotropic medication management for anxiety in students. Disability accommodations will be addressed.
Supporting Students Experiencing Psychosis — March 6 & 12, 2024
| This webinar will provide an overview of psychosis, including symptoms, presentations, and causes. Attendees will learn how to use the L.E.A.P. method to communicate with and support Job Corps students who are experiencing psychosis.
Job Stress! Teaching Students Coping Strategies — September 12, 2023
Handouts are available in English and Spanish.
| This webinar will present a group-based training program that reduces job stress by teaching students to prepare for common workplace challenges, cope more effectively with emotions, and strengthen communication and assertiveness skills. This webinar is designed for staff (counselors, residential staff, CMHCs, so forth) who want to learn basic interventions to use with individual students or (ideally) groups of students to better prepare them for common workplace stressors.
Medication Management for ADHD — August 17, 2023
| This presentation will provide an overview of managing ADHD medications for Job Corps students.
Evidence-Based Mental Health Assessment Tools — March 23, 2022
| This webinar will provide an overview of evidence-based mental health assessment tools for CMHCs.
Surviving Intense Emotions - Distress Tolerance: Helping Students and Staff Cope with Overwhelming Emotions — August 26, 2021
| This webinar will focus on practical and concrete ways to build distress tolerance and emotion regulation skills. We'll explore methods to help students (and ourselves) survive crises without making them worse and ways to better understand and regulate emotions. This is a basic primer for all: No experience with DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is necessary!
Making Anxiety Work for You — June 2 & 4, 2020
| Anxiety is not always a bad thing. It can help us be more productive and become clearer in our goals if it is harnessed correctly. This webinar will reframe how we think about anxiety and will provide solutions to manage our own anxiety and help students manage their anxiety.
Improving Employability Outcomes by Enhancing Self-Regulation for Students with Disabilities (slides and handouts) — May 19, 2020
| This webinar will define self-regulation skills, outline specific strategies and resources for improving students’ self-regulation skills, and discuss how to accommodate functional limitations associated with self-regulation challenges.
Understanding and Addressing Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Job Corps Students — March 12, 2020
| Self-injury is intentionally hurting the body (e.g. cutting, burning etc..) but without suicidal intent. Because it often looks like a suicidal gesture it tends to evoke fear and confusion. Its very nature seems to defy deep instinctual human drives for self-preservation as well strong social taboos related to self-inflicted injury. It is, after all, quite puzzling. Why would someone choose to cut up or otherwise hurt his/her body? Why would they do this in way that looks like a suicide attempt but then insist that it actually has nothing to do with suicide at all? How do we understand this, let alone effectively respond to it?
Mental Health Documentation
Mental Health Documentation: Everything You Wanted to Know (and More!) — October 19, 2021
| This webinar will provide the nuts and bolts of how to ensure your documentation in different areas—assessment, treatment, case management, promotion/education and consultation/coordination—meets the Policy and Requirement Handbook (PRH) standards.
Mental Health Promotion & Education |
Using Social Media to Engage Students in Promoting Positive Mental Health and
Using Social Media to Promote Mental Health — September 26, 2022
| This panel presentation from Job Corps CMHCs will provide a discussion on using technology to engage our students. |
Making Mental Health Groups Work in Job Corps — September 7, 2022
| This webinar will highlight effective mental health groups in Job Corps. Three Center Mental Health Consultants will share promising practices and lessons learned. |
Google Classroom for Mental Health (slides w/ audio) — July 1, 2020
| This presentation will review how CMHCs can set up a successful Google Classroom during virtual learning.
Virtual Learning and Mental Health — May 27 & 29, 2020
| This webinar will explore mental health-related PRH requirements that they can be implemented via the Virtual Learning model. |
Motivational Interviewing
Motivational Interviewing: Part 1 and 2 — May 5 & 19, 2020
| This two-part webinar will provide an overview of Motivational Interviewing for use by health and wellness staff. It is recommended that staff attend both parts.
Oral Health |
Dental Readiness Inspection Training — January 17 & 18, 2024 | This webinar will provide training on the Dental Readiness Inspection including the technique, documentation requirements, the ora l examination consent/refusal process, and motivating communication messages to the students.
Sexually Transmitted Infections |
Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Treatment Guidelines — September 14, 2021 | This webinar will provide an overview of CDC's new sexually transmitted infection (STI) treatment guidelines for healthcare providers. |
Preventing STIs in Job Corps — August 19, 2020 | This webinar will provide an update on STIs and outline prevention best practices.
Staff Ethics
Nursing Ethics — September 20 & 21, 2023
| This webinar will provide an overview of ethics and boundaries for Job Corps nurses.
Ethics, Boundaries and Documentation in TEAP — September 21, 2021
| Ethics guide our practice as TEAP specialists. This webinar will focus on reviewing the core ethical principles that TEAP specialists need to know and implement. We will be reviewing confidentiality within Job Corps as well as the updated 42 CFR Part 2.
Ethical Decision Making for Center Mental Health Consultants in Job Corps — February 26, 2020
| Ethics-related issues can be complex and perplexing. Mental health professionals must develop a solid ethical decision-making model. This webinar will review ethics information relevant to mental health providers in the Job Corps environment along with common ethical dilemmas using valid decision-making models.
Suicide |
Suicide Prevention: Spotlight on Peer Education — August 23 & 24, 2023
| This presentation will provide suicide prevention strategies to employ in Job Corps. |
Suicide Prevention via Developing Healthy Communication, Interaction and Selves — September 12, 2022
| September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. This webinar will provide an overview of suicide prevention strategies in Job Corps. |
Suicide Prevention: A Continuing Priority! — September 30, 2021
| This webinar will explore the recent increases in suicides among youth, the impact of COVID-19, and how Job Corps centers can create an opportunity for suicide prevention. |
Working Together: Suicide Awareness and Prevention in the time of COVID-19 — December 15, 2020 | This webinar will explore the recent increases in suicides among youth, the impa ct of COVID-19, and how Job Corps centers can create an opportunity for suicide prevention. |
Tobacco Use
Networking with Community Partners — February 13 & 15, 2024 | This webinar will focus on locating community partners in the substance use arena, including community health departments, addiction support groups, public speakers, and law enforcement organizations. Strategies to cultivate partnerships will be explored. |
Vaping and eCigarettes — June 28, 2022 | This webinar will provide an overview of prevalence, patterns of use, and consequences of vaping in youth.
Trauma Informed Approach (TIA)
Trauma Informed Strategies for Day-to-Day Student Interactions (slides with audio) — November 13, 2020
| This webinar will provide trauma-informed intervention strategies through case studies. Common challenges when working with students will be explored.
Resilience Strategies (in Spanish) — August 5, 2020
| This webinar will provide an overview of concept of resilience and will provide strategies for strengthening resilience using the body, mind and heart pathways. Mindfulness exercises and techniques will be explored.