Information for all Students about Disability and the Workplace
During Career Transition Readiness all students will receive information about workers’ rights and responsibilities including reasonable accommodation in the workplace (see PRH Section 3.4, R23, k). For the student with a disability, it is important s/he be adequately prepared to enter the workplace, not only possessing adequate skills, but also feeling confident and comfortable in discussing his/her disability and possible accommodation issues with an employer. This may involve educating the student about self-determination/self-advocacy, his/her disability, workplace rights, disclosure, Social Security Benefits and transition services. The resources section provides information on all of these topics.
Job Corps Resources
Workers’ Rights and Responsibilities
These resources provide the student/graduate with information regarding his/her rights and prepares him/her to make informed decisions regarding the workplace and future employment opportunities.
These resources provide the student with information about how to decide whether or not to disclose his/her disability to a potential employer. If the individual elects to disclose this information, then he/she must determine the most appropriate forum in which to do so and understand that certain information must be disclosed so that the employer can provide the reasonable accommodation. It is not a requirement to disclose this information. A student/graduate with a disability may not need accommodation in the workplace and may not choose to disclose his/her disability at all.
These resources provide a student who chooses to request accommodations in the workplace support determining what accommodations to request from their employer.
These resources provide students with the information and support needed to become self-advocates. The resources on self-determination provides students with the skills and abilities to make choices and decisions and to set and attain goals independently.
Jefferson County Real Choices Project: The Real Choices project and the Jefferson County Developmental Disabilities Program support people's right to make decisions about their own lives. Self-determination is about having the information and support to make those choices.
The Skills to Pay Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success is a curriculum developed to ensure youth service professionals have the tools to achieve workforce readiness for all youth in their programs, including youth with disabilities.
Centers for Independent Living (CILs): CILs are an excellent starting point for a student/graduate who wants to participate in a self-advocacy group.
Assistive Technology
These resources provide information about the types of assistive technology available and resources for attaining it.
Job Accommodation Network: Offers a searchable online accommodation resource that houses accommodations options for the work and education setting.
Vocational Rehabilitation: has the ability to supplement Assistive Technology funding and locate resources Job Corps may not readily have access to or know how to acquire.
State Assistive Technology Programs: State Assistive Technology Programs are designed to improve access to Assistive Technology resources for individuals with disabilities. This program will support acquiring Assistive Technology funding or borrowing equipment for as long as an individual requires its use.
Microsoft Accessibility: A portal to access a full range of accessible products and features including screen readers and speech recognition software. There are also tutorials on the site and resource centers around the country demonstrating how to use these features that students would benefit from learning prior to leaving the program and beyond.
Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT): PEAT’s mission is to foster digital accessibility, create inclusive resources for employers, employees, and leaders, and support communities toward creating more accessible workplaces.
Additional Resources for Students with Disabilities
These resources provide students with information on other topics related to their disabilities such as Social Security benefits/work incentives, college, or funding. The Social Security Administration provides information on receiving disability and health care benefits that are available for those with a disability that qualify. College resources are available to assist students with disability make choices on college programs that are right for them and gaining the proper funding for housing, food, and living expenses while attending a college program.
Ticket to Work Program: Ticket to Work is a free and voluntary program that can help Social Security beneficiaries go to work, get a good job that may lead to a career, and become financially independent.
Work Incentives - General Information: Provides information on work incentives that make it possible for people with disabilities who are receiving Social Security Disability Income or Supplemental Security Income to work and still receive benefits.
Secure Your Financial Future: A Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities: This toolkit includes answers to Frequently Asked Questions and resources such as publications, tools, websites, and videos for topic areas related to preparing, starting, maintaining, and changing a job.
- Disability Benefits 101: Disability Benefits 101 provide information and tools regarding health coverage, disability related benefits, and employment for individuals with disabilities.
- Work Support: Work Support is a website run by the Virginia Common Wealth University’s Rehabilitation Research and Training Center; and provides information on projects related to Employment of People with Physical Disabilities, Autism, Supported Employment, and Transition from School to Work, Post-Secondary Education, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Social Security Policies.
The Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights Center (Pacer): The Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights Center (Pacer) provides information for from parents of children with disabilities to parents and families of children and young adults with disabilities.
think COLLEGE!: College Options for People with Disabilities: College Options for People with Disabilities offers resources and training for individuals with disabilities considering college.
Educating the Employer
These resources can be used to help employers understand that the students you are placing into the workforce are equipped with industry-based competencies, regardless of their disability. Employers may need preparation, orientation, and support to recruit and integrate students with disabilities into the workplace. They may be concerned with the amount of paperwork and bureaucracy involved. They may be uncertain about whether individuals with disabilities can do the job or the employer may lack the knowledge on how to accommodate an individual's needs.