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Admissions Services Staff Training
​This webinar reviews Center Applicant File Review and Disability Accommodation Considerations as they apply to Admissions Services and/or the collaboration or interaction of the center File Review Team with Admissions Services staff.
​​​Disability Coordinator Orie​​ntation Part 1a: Applicant File Review Policy​​

​This webinar is one of seven webinars within a 4-part Disability Coordinator Orientation series. Part 1a is the Applicant File Review Policy webinar and reviews the primary policy components of the applicant file review requirements.

Disability Coordinator Orientation Part 1b​: Applicant File Review Process
This webinar is one of seven webinars within a 4-part Disability Coordinator Orientation series. Part 1b is the Applicant File Review Process webinar and provides a step-by-step review of the center applicant file review process. ​ ​
Disability Coordinator Orientation Part 1c:​Maint​aining and Managing AFR Tracking​

This webinar is one of seven webinars within a 4-part Disability Coordinator Orientation series. Part 1c is the Mantaining and Managing AFR tracking ​and reviews the requirements associated with the management of the Center File Review Tracking Log, the Wellness Tracking L​og and documenting the review of applicant files.

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Ap​plicant File Review and TEAP​​
​This webinar will review the criteria to be considered a person with a disability if the applicant has a diagnosis of some type of substance use disorder related to their alcohol and/or drug use. We will discuss how to complete the interactive interview process for both a clinical as well as reasonable accommodation perspective. The focus will be on the successful completion of health care needs and direct threat assessments. This webinar is a unique opportunity to hear jointly from TEAP Specialists and Disability Coordinators.​
