

Welcome to the Job Corps disABILITY site. This site provides the Job Corps community with information and ​resources that will allow them to better support and meet the needs of applicants and students ​​with disabilities. The pr​​imary purpose of ​this website is to provide a central location for resources to help center staff meet Job Corps Disability Program requirements.

Staff can also use this site to:​

  • Recognize the most common disabilities and related accommodations among Job Corps youth.​
  • Learn how to interact appropriately and comfortably with people with different kinds of disabilities.​
  • Prepare students with disabilities to enter the workforce.
  • Educate employers about including people with disabilities as part of a diverse workforce.
  • Learn about promising ​​practices available to help center staff provide services and support to students with disabilities.
  • Read the Job Corps Disability Newsletter.
  • Access Job Corps Disability Program-related directives.
  • Locate past webinars and discover trainings that can be adapted to provide center staff training.​​
