​ ​​​This webpage is designed to help you create a bully-free Job Corps center. Bullying is not permitted in Job Corps. This webpage contains resources to prevent bully​ing on center, including:
  • Core Components for a successful bullying-prevention initiative
  • A six-module bullying prevention training, available in Citrix (see SafetyNet for instructions). During this training, you will learn about the basics of bullying, what bullying looks like, and how to handle it on your center. After you successfully complete the associated quiz, you will earn a certificate. During this training, you will learn about the basics of bullying, what bullying looks like, and how to handle it on your center. After you successfully complete the associated quiz, you will earn a certificate.
  • A guide to creating an anti-bullying policy on your center
  • A documents section that contains sample presentations, articles, scenarios, fact sheets, and brochures
  • Web resources for additional information​​​​

Policy & Directives

Job Corps Policy
Job Corps Directives

Information Notices

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Core Components

Every center is responsible for implementing a bullying prevention program which is supported by the Center Director and administration. At a minimum, a successful bullying prevention program should have the following core components:

  • Identify a bullying prevention committee.
  • Distribute an anonymous student/staff questionnaire to assess the nature and prevalence of bullying on center; this can be incorporated into an existing student safety questionnaire.
  • Conduct focus groups with students/staff about problems encountered with bullying on center.
  • Develop and adopt center-wide policies and rules against bullying.
  • Consistent positive and negative consequences for students' behavior.
  • Develop an evaluation system to monitor the program's effect on bullying.
Training Activities
  • All staff will participate in bullying prevention training.
  • All students will receive promotional materials and information about bullying.
Promotional Activities
  • Disseminate information about anti-bully​ing policies, intervention and evaluation plans during CPP, at staff meetings, at assemblies, on the center intranet website, and in the student handbook.
  • Build anti-bullying material into the Career Success Standards and Social Skills Training activities.
  • Contact federal, state, or local agencies for posters and brochures on bullying prevention.
Environmental Activities
  • Identify the "hot spots" on center where bullying may occur and alter supervisory patterns so staff is more present.
Activities that Promote Pro-social Behavior and Reduce Bullying
  • Interventions with new students
  • Interventions with students who are bullied
  • Interventions with students who bully
  • Interventions for students that are bystanders

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​Create an Anti-Bullying Policy

Your center is not required to have an anti-bullying policy. However, having one can be extremely helpful. In order to stop or prevent bullying on a center (or anywhere!), procedures have to be clear and sanctions have to be uniformily enforced. Creating a policy will help to get everyone on the same page, so to speak.

Two documents to help you create a center-specific policy are located in this portion of the toolkit: a Sample Anti-Bullying Policy (available in MS Word and Adobe PDF formats) and an Anti-Bullying Policy Checklist. The sample policy contains language that you can use to create a policy for your center. It is posible to copy the examples as is and use them as your policy; however, that is not recommended. Your center is different from every other Job Corps center, and it should have its own, unique policy. The sample contains suggestions that may be used or changed to suit your specific needs.

Ready to begin? Download:

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​Forms & Documents

Factsheets and Brochures

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The Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV) at the University of Colorado provides information about model- and promising- bullying prevention programs.
This film kit, includes a 40 minute DVD and Viewer's Guide (includes classroom lessons and professional guidance for school administrators and faculty).
Dan Olweus. 1993, Blackwell. The definitive book on bullying/victim problems in school and on effective ways of counteracting and preventing such problems.
Provides articles, publications, data sources, and prevention resources for bullying.
This training toolkit is made up of two modules that address bullying in classrooms.  Specifically, it is designed to assist teachers in cultivating meaningful relationships with students while creating a positive climate in the classroom.
This guide provides a blueprint to creating a safe environment in school settings.
This webpage gives anti-bullying information geared toward young women.
This blog article provides information and a video based on the article "We Must Protect Kids from Bullying, " by HHS Secretary Sebelius and Education Secretary Duncan.
Provides information and technical assistance to States, districts, schools, institutions of higher learning, and communities focused on improving student supports and academic enrichment.
Provides information and resources on bullying and cyberbullying.
Provides videos, blogs and social networking for teens.
Provides information and interactive resources for all students, including students with disabilities
Stan Davis. 2005, Research Press. This book outlines research on effective bullying prevention interventions and presents specific practices and skills that help schools implement that research.
This website provides articles, resources, and an overview of bullying prevention strategies.
This section includes intervention strategies and resources.
This website provides information about bullying prevention and how to deal with bullying geared to teens.
Provides a tool for combating bullying in and outside of the classroom. USC Rossier has developed four lessons and classroom activities aimed to prevent and eliminate bullying in classrooms and school communities.
Dedicated to the eradication of workplace bullying that combines help for individuals, research, books, public education, training for professionals-unions-employers, legislative advocacy, and consulting solutions for organizations.

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