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​Tools to implement a Trauma-Informed Approach (TIA) on your Job Corps Center.
A tra​u​ma-informed approach (TIA) defines the way that an organization delivers its services. It is an approach that focuses on the strengths (not the problems) of those served. An organization that uses TIA has the following characteristics:
  • It is ​ground​ed in an understanding of trauma and is responsive to the impact of trauma on people's lives.
  • It emphasizes physical, p​sychological, and emotional SAFETY for their staff and those served. Both the staff who provide services, and people engage with those services must feel safe.
  • Finally, it creates opportunities for survivors of trauma to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment.​​​​​​​ ​


Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach requires a commitment from the center, education for staff, and ongoing work to shift the policies and practices in a new direction.

Available Tool​:​


All staff will need an introductory training to TIA, and creating a trauma-informed culture on campus also requires ongoing staff development.

There are many training resources both within Job Corps and the community to keep this initiative front and center:

Supplemental/Ongoing Training Resources