Healthy students are employable students. Studies show that people who eat a balanced diet, engage in regular physical activity, and maintain a healthy body weight make more money than those who do not.
1 People who eat right and exercise regularly are also less likely than their counterparts to miss work for an extended amount of time due to illness.
2 By viewing this site, you have taken the first step in showing your support for your students' health and, ultimately, their employability. The Healthy Eating and Active LifeStyles (HEALS) program requires an effort across the center, and you are the driving force to make this program come to fruition. First, you should form a committee to lead this program. Committee members should be enthusiastic, popular with students, and passionate about nutrition and exercise.
Additional guidance on choosing your HEALS committee is available.
Then, take your time and review all of components of the program, including
policy changes, the
staff training schedule, and tips to
create a culture that embraces wellness. This toolkit is a guide - your jumping off point. You may tailor the program to meet your center's needs.
1 Sarlio-Lahteenkorva, S., Silventoinen, K., & Lahelma, E. (2004). Relative weight and income at different levels of socioeconomic status. American Journal of Public Health. 94(3), 468-472.
2 Van Duijvenbode, D.C., Hoozemans, M.J., van Poppel, M.N., & Proper, K.I. (2009). The relationship between overweight and obesity, and sick leave: a systematic review. International Journal of Obesity. 33(8), 807-816.