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Here are some quick tips for implementing Job Corps HEALS, whether you implement it as part of CDP, after the training day, or as a combination.
  • Select the HEALER or HEALERs carefully.
    See the guidance in this toolkit.
  • Make fitness and healthy eating fun.
    Fun, enjoyable programs are successful programs.
  • Timing of the program is important.
    Obviously, you will be able to target the most students in a program that occurs during the training day. If you have voluntary components that occur after the training day, try to schedule them immediately following classes.
  • Meet consistently.
    Once a week probably is not enough to make an impact.
  • Incorporate physical activity wherever you can.
    Focusing on factual learning in a classroom is sometimes necessary; however, if students are bored, they are not going to reap the benefits. Try having discussions while walking or take frequent movement breaks.
  • Involve students in planning.
    Get input from students up front about their needs and let them have a say in the process.
  • Be a role model.
    If staff eat healthy and model physical activity they can help motivate students.​